Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Babies at the Beach

My sister Trish is getting married today! As a double bonus my other sister Becky is staying with me, along with her three rugrats who I love to pieces. Yesterday we went to the beach and let the kids break olympic records in filthiness. We had a great time and have more activities planned for the upcoming days. Husband Tom is taking off and my mom and my cousin Cheryl are coming to stay with her kids. I really wish these kids lived closer!
Gotta love car trips!
Elena..don't let the adorable face fool you!
Gabby....a princess
Lico...the heartbreaker
Gettin dirty

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Come Back Bernie Mac

I was very sad to hear yesterday of his passing. He was clever and witty and darn funny. I will miss you Mr. Bernie Mac.