Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 29

This week the baby is the size of a butternut squash. He should be approaching three pounds soon also. I saw the nurse practitioner last Tuesday. His heart rate was perfect and his movement has picked right back up. I guess he was having a couple of lazy days :) He is getting the hiccups quite often and I am up every 2 hours to pee. My next appointment is the 6th and I will have an ultrasound that day to check his size and to see if he is head down yet. I am looking forward to my shower in October(thank you Becky and family) and to catching up with all the family and friends I have missed sharing this time with. Know I love you all. I am still feeling blah. Even though I am just 7 months, I am ready for it to be over. Pregnancy has been an experience I always wanted and I will always remember, but I am so ready for the next chapter. I am a little nervous being responsible for a newborn, but everyone does it and I guess we will too. Tom has been very strong and confident. He has really stepped it up this pregnancy and been a major support. I am so grateful for him. Until next week.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 28

7 months preggo and the third trimester is finally here! This week the baby is the size of a Chinese cabbage. Tomorrow is my next doctors appointment and should be a routine visit. In two weeks I get another ultrasound to check the baby's growth and position. I pick up a few little things every time I am out and now have enough diapering supplies for about a month. The baby has not been quite as active this week as previously and I am hoping it is just because he is getting bigger and running out of room:) I can't believe it... the countdown until D-day has started!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 27

This week the baby is about the size of a head of cauliflower. My doctors appointment on Tuesday went great. I am still a few pounds below my pre pregnancy weight and the nurse practitioner was very pleased with that. I go every 2 weeks now. My glucose tolerance test was normal, so no gestational diabetes..yay! As difficult as it was for us to conceive, I am very pleased with what an un-eventful pregnancy it has been so far. This little boy's kicks have gotten stronger and he remains very active. Tom and I both were watching TV the other day and saw a commercial for Barbie and the Three Musketeers and we both said aloud at the same time.."thank goodness we are having a boy". It was pretty funny. I recently watched a documentary "The Business of Being Born". If you haven't seen it, it is quite eye opening. I know all documentaries have somewhat of an agenda, but being a nurse I know a lot of what is in that movie to be true. I know I cant have a completely natural birth because of my high risk category, but it has motivated me to try to keep interventions to a minimum if possible. Mostly avoiding pitocin is my goal. I would love my labor to progress naturally. I am going to attempt no epidural, but the world is paved with good intentions and if I can't do it, I can't do it. Next week I hit my third trimester and then the countdown begins :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 26

I am nearing the end of my second trimester and the baby is the size of an English hothouse cucumber(OK whatever). I am just starting to get a bit uncomfortable, especially at the end of the day after being on my feet. This little boy is still moving around a ton and I still love it! I have my last second trimester appointment tomorrow. We have talked about the birth more and there are a few people we would love to have there, but when you do that, it opens a can of worms. So we have decided to have it just be Tom and myself. This has been such a long painful journey for us and now it is over. I really am excited about the two of us being able to relish the moment together alone. Afterwards, come one come all. Arizona is beautiful in December:)