Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 25, 2009

Week 11

Not too much to report, a lot of the same. The baby is now the size of a lime. We decided to do the nuchal scan next Tuesday but we declined the blood screening and amnio. The blood test is too often inaccurate for my liking and an amnio is too invasive, so we just went with the scan that measures the thickness of the baby's neck. It is supposed indicate a possibility of downs syndrome if the neck measures thick. It is a standard test that almost all women are offered now and it is one more opportunity to see the baby, so I took it :) I am still getting sick but the days are getting fewer and farther between thank goodness. The second trimester is right around the corner!
P.S. I found this little gem of Tom with our niece Mary, isn't it the best!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

For your viewing pleasure...OK mostly mine :)

He/She was really hopping around today and looking more and more like a baby every week.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Well I am officially 1/4 of the way through! The baby is the size of a kumquat and is officially a baby not an embryo anymore. It has all it's organs and moving all arms and legs. There has been no more bleeding since last Wednesday's incident, thank goodness. I am still sick as a dog, which I consider a blessing. I thought perhaps I was getting a bit better until yesterday when I couldn't keep anything down all day. I have another ultrasound tomorrow to check on the baby again. Hopefully I will have another pic to post tomorrow. I am in shock and trilled I have made it to the double digits, about 2 more weeks and I am out of the first trimester :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hit a hiccup.

First off the baby is fine, but we had a scary day yesterday. I was at work and as I was walking to my desk I started bleeding a lot. Luckily I have a very supportive work environment who found me coverage within 20 minutes. A co worker drove me to the doctor where Tom met me. An ultrasound was done and showed the baby looked perfect. They are not sure why I bled because the ultrasound showed nothing unusual. I am off work until the bleeding stops which it almost has and I have a repeat ultrasound on Tuesday. The doctor said it is not uncommon in the first trimester and they will watch me but he is hopeful the pregnancy will continue. Just keep a little prayer for our peanut.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 9

I have ultrasound photos to share today. This week the baby is the size of a green olive. We had our first OB appointment today and I graduated from who-ha ultrasounds to belly ultrasounds, YAY! We heard the heartbeat and I bawled like a baby. I am still extremely nauseated but dealing with it. My doctor sat down with us today for about 30 min and we went over our plan for this pregnancy. While everything is looking good, he will be following me closely. He wants me to only gain 10 pounds from pre pregnancy weight and since I have lost about six, I am on the right track for now. He was very patient and courteous but also very real that this pregnancy carries with it some risks. One day at a time I guess. Since I am in a high risk office, I get a quickie ultrasound every time I go, which is awesome. Our next big decision is whether to do any of the genetic abnormality screening tests. We are leaning toward no for various reasons. I meet with the nurse practitioner next Tuesday for more early pregnancy instruction.

See the arms in the top pic? They are to the left and right in the middle of our blob-baby.

Heart Rate 180!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Week 8

Here I am 8 weeks pregnant! The baby is now the size of a raspberry. I am so grateful, I have now been pregnant longer than my last pregnancy which is a huge milestone. Another good thing(kinda) is that I have been really sick. I feel like I have the stomach flu from the minute I open my eyes in the morning until I fall asleep at night. I won't lie, it's a little emotionally and physically draining but whatever it takes I can handle it. I have my first OB appointment next Monday when I am nine weeks and I will get another ultrasound then. I am nervous and excited. That's whats going on this week. Can't believe it :)