Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hit a hiccup.

First off the baby is fine, but we had a scary day yesterday. I was at work and as I was walking to my desk I started bleeding a lot. Luckily I have a very supportive work environment who found me coverage within 20 minutes. A co worker drove me to the doctor where Tom met me. An ultrasound was done and showed the baby looked perfect. They are not sure why I bled because the ultrasound showed nothing unusual. I am off work until the bleeding stops which it almost has and I have a repeat ultrasound on Tuesday. The doctor said it is not uncommon in the first trimester and they will watch me but he is hopeful the pregnancy will continue. Just keep a little prayer for our peanut.


Gosfam said...

I am praying for you Cindy, hang in there girl. I hope things keep looking UP comes Tuesdays check.

Anonymous said...

I am glad everything is ok. Thinking and praying for you tons. I am looking forward to tuesdays update. Julie