Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 18, 2009


Well I am officially 1/4 of the way through! The baby is the size of a kumquat and is officially a baby not an embryo anymore. It has all it's organs and moving all arms and legs. There has been no more bleeding since last Wednesday's incident, thank goodness. I am still sick as a dog, which I consider a blessing. I thought perhaps I was getting a bit better until yesterday when I couldn't keep anything down all day. I have another ultrasound tomorrow to check on the baby again. Hopefully I will have another pic to post tomorrow. I am in shock and trilled I have made it to the double digits, about 2 more weeks and I am out of the first trimester :)


MamaDonna said...

YAY! Here's to 30 more weeks of preggo bliss!

Anonymous said...

All its organs arms and legs omg how cool and exciting. Lots of love Cindy and I can't wait to see baby Stanley's new picture tommorow:)

Trish said...
