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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Week 8

Here I am 8 weeks pregnant! The baby is now the size of a raspberry. I am so grateful, I have now been pregnant longer than my last pregnancy which is a huge milestone. Another good thing(kinda) is that I have been really sick. I feel like I have the stomach flu from the minute I open my eyes in the morning until I fall asleep at night. I won't lie, it's a little emotionally and physically draining but whatever it takes I can handle it. I have my first OB appointment next Monday when I am nine weeks and I will get another ultrasound then. I am nervous and excited. That's whats going on this week. Can't believe it :)


Anonymous said...

Ohhh my friend I feel for you having morning sickness. I had it with Madalyn and I had to eat crackers before I even got out of bed in the morning. Good news I think it gets better the further along you get. Smile
love Julie

Kyle said...

Feeling sick all day does NOT sound fun at all! Temporary though, you can do it!

Unknown said...

You'll be fine, but I know exactly how you feel. Believe it or not crying helps you feel better when your all done doing it! At least it did me, even when I didn't know why it was I was crying. I'm bringing maternity clothes home to CA with me. This week I will name him Razz! Keep at it, you're awesome. Hang in there! I wuv you!

Marilee said...

That is so awesome that you have passed the milestone of the other pregnancy.

Just keep telling Razz, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

Love ya