Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

6 months

I am playing catch up this month. Connor is thriving. He was 16 pounds at his 6 month check up on the ninth. He had a huge growth spurt from his four month checkup, especially in length. He was 26 3/4 inches. This puts him in the 16th percentile for weight and the 51st percentile for length. We are working hard at getting back to California, we hope by September. We are sooooooo excited. Arizona has been good to us but it's not our home and Tom and I have both felt very lonely out here. It's time to come home(please if you have facebook, do not mention me coming back to CA until I have given my notice at work, thanks). I have a job lined up, but moving out of state takes time and planning, so there you go. Tom is doing great with Connor and they seem to have a great time while I am at work. I miss him like crazy but he doesn't leave my side when I am home. I also know my weaknesses and I think if I were a stay at home mother, I would go a little batty and have a lot less patience. Surprisingly enough, Tom has more patience for the crankiness than I do. I did no expect that and it is wonderful to see your husband become a great father. The following are some of Connor's milestones.
At 6 months he is....

1. Eating about the equivalent of 3 mini jars of baby food a day and 4- 8 oz bottles a day
2. Rolling and scooting all over the living room.
3.Working on sitting up without support, but only lasts about a minute.
4. In 6-9 clothes just this week, finally!
5. On the verge of moving on to size 3 diapers.
6. Sleeping 10-12 hours at night
7. Taking three naps a day(1-2 hours)
8. Loving the pool with mama
9. Still the easiest baby ever, I can take him anywhere.
10 Just starting to cry at strangers if they are too loud or get to close, but only on rare occasion.
11. Looking a LOT like his dad.

I have decided to make Connor's baby food. So far I have had success at applesauce, blueberry applesauce, squash, yams, pears, blackberry pear, green beans, and carrots. He likes it all so far. I freeze the pureed food into silicone ice cube trays and then put them in freezer bags. I posted a picture above. Sorry this update took a while. I promise to do better. If anyone wants to come see us in Arizona we welcome visitors and you only have a few months to do it!

5 months

This is just a catch up blog for Connor's five month picture, here he is in all his cuteness. Taken just after my first Mother's day.