Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Connor's Birth
So the big day came on December 9th, 7:34 PM and not at all like I had hoped, but we are all well and healthy and for that I am grateful. We had checked in on the 8th at 9 PM to be induced. I was in my room by 10:00 PM. After getting hooked up to monitors, the doctor placed the cervadil around 11:00. PM. I was pre warned some women go into labor with cervadil, but the majority do not and I was encouraged to sleep while I could. Well, that was not in the cards. By midnight I was in labor. It was tolerable like most early labor is, but enough discomfort to keep me awake all night. By 7 AM I was vomiting and wanting an epidural. I tried to hold out, but I was only dilated to a 2-3 and I knew I had a long way to go and the pain was going to get worse before it got better. So by 9 AM after two attempts, my epidural was placed and they broke my water. The epidural was heaven. The only problem was it wore off by 1 PM. Just as it was wearing off, I also started having an excruciating headache which after a visit from anaesthesia was determined to be a spinal headache from the epidural. The anaesthesiologist tried several times injecting more medicine in my epidural to get me some relief, but nothing worked and the pain from the spinal headache made it hard to stay on top of my contractions. All of this led to IV pain medication mostly to control the headache which made me drowsy but very much aware of the contractions. By 4:30 PM I was dilated to a 6 and although in a lot a pain, the progress I had made encouraged me to keep going. At 6:30 the doctor came back and checked me again. I was still a 6, and Connor's head was a minus one station still. He felt that his head was not going to descend and recommended a C-section I was in so much pain and was vomiting off and on that by that point it did not take much convincing, I was so done. From there it was fast and kind of hazy. Once in the OR it took a while to get me numb due to the crappy epidural. But I was able to watch the birth in the reflection of the OR lights. Connor came easily and screamed before they even pulled him out. I cried and Tom rushed over to see him. They brought him to me and let me kiss him and Tom held him, then it was off to nursery to get weighed and measured. He weighed in at 5 lbs 13 oz. and 17 3/4 inches, such a little peanut! I stayed an extra day in the hospital for a fever, but my recovery since has been remarkably fast. I was up and about the day after with minimal pain. It was definitely not the birth experience I had dreamed of and I am still kind of dealing with that. But once I look at my sweet boy who is so healthy it is hard to find much to be sad about. A little update from the last three weeks. Connor is now 6 lbs 13 ounces and thriving. He is a great sleeper and has a very sweet temperament. Below are pictures from the birth and the last one is from Christmas Day. He is our miracle boy and we are thrilled to have him!

Journey to baby
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Week 38

My last prego pose! We check in on Tuesday night for our induction. In the meantime I am doing everything I can to help nature along so I can possibly avoid being induced. I am already 1 centimeter dilated and 60 percent effaced, so that's better than nothing. Long walks, warm baths, etc. My emotions are a little out of control. I mean with my baby coming any day and Christmas music and commercials, forget it! I cry often and for no reason whatsoever. I am really enjoying pregnancy this last week, but I am ready. I can't wait to hold my little man in my arms. Tom is getting pumped too. He picked out Connor's first stocking today, and can't wait to put him in this Christmas onesie he found(skull in a Santa hat:) There will be no more posts for a little while probably. Once we get settled with our new family member, I will post pictures. My coworkers threw me an impromptu shower which was beyond generous. Those of you who haven't gotten thank yous yet, you are not forgotten, they ARE coming. I am a facebook junkie, so if you are not in my family phone call tree, you can keep up with when Connor arrives that way. This 6 year journey is coming to a close and we couldn't be more thrilled and grateful.
Journey to baby
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