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Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm In A Mood :(

Maybe it's the heat. Maybe its the stress of making ends meet lately. Maybe it's I miss my cousin and a lot of other family/friends far away. Maybe it's I want to be a mom so bad I can hardly breathe. But I am in a total mood this week and can't find much to be happy or blog about. I will just press forward knowing that life's challenges don't last forever. Tom and I have made a pretty good/big decision that will help a few of our current stay tuned for future announcements. Oh I did think of something positive...yours truly received an employee recognition award at today's staff meeting :) I guess there is always a silver lining.


Gosfam said...

I wish I was there to take you out and relieve some stress. Seriously girl call me anytime, we don't have to just text :) I am anxious for pending announcements.

whitneyingram said...

Oooh, I can't wait to hear what you guys have been up to.