Tom and I have finally decided to take the plunge and give a round of IVF a try. Our biggest drawback was of course how expensive it is. But, whether adoption or fertility treatment, it's all going to cost money, so we would really like to give having a biological child a shot and we are grateful we live in a time where this option is available to us. We will manage to save enough by June. This means hopefully first thing in July we will be going for it! For those of you who are a little confused about IVF, here is the run-down.
1. I have my own hormones basically shut sown for a siesta via injections called Lupron.
2. I then begin taking the miracle grow for eggs called FSH(follicle stimulating hormone), also via injection.
3. After a little over a week of FSH and several ultrasounds, when the doctor thinks I have an adequate amount and size of follicles(they contain the eggs), it's hatching time. I will recieve a one time injection of HCG. HCG prepares my eggs to ovulate.
4. But before they get the chance I will go back to the hospital in about 1-2 days for the egg retrieval. Very uncomfortable I am told, but hopefully some Versed will do the trick(I've had Versed twice-it's some nice stuff).
5. My eggies and Tom's troops are then allowed to party in a petry dish. I start taking estrogen and progesterone, yet again by injection, and we wait a few more days for word on the results.
6. 2-5 days after the retrieval if we have had success, we go back to have our newly developed embryos transferred back into yours truly.
7. In about 10 days after the transfer we will find out if all the effort paid off. If I pop up pregnant, I will continue with the progesterone injections for abour 8 weeks.
It will be a very intense month and I am grateful I have a great support system. I have come to realize that one way or another we will be parents. If this does not work, we are definatley proceeding with adoption plans. Heavenly Father has a plan and however we end up starting our family is just the means to an end. I plan to take the month of July off work. I luckily have an awesome job that permits me to do so. We can not wait and look forward to keeping everybody updated on our little adventure.