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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Growing up

I have been watching TLC's "What Not To Wear" a lot lately. The show rocks and it has inspired me a bit. Stacy and Clinton do their magic by providing a few simple guidelines to good fashion. I will admit I am not a fashion icon, but I am not totally clueless either. It's more my lack of effort and money that has kept me in casual wear. Maybe it's because I am approaching thirty, but I feel like I'm in a fashion rut. T-shirts and jeans aren't doing it for me anymore. I'm craving more of a sophisticated look. So today I walked into Macys. I got a few very nice pieces and never realized how nice their plus size department was. I hope to slowly accumulate a nice wardrobe(since nicer clothes also come with not as nice prices).


Gosfam said...

I want to see pictures of you in your snazzy new clothes :) Do a runway show for Tom so we can all see you. Work the catwalk girl :)

whitneyingram said...

When you watch "What Not To Wear" pay attention to Clinton's face. He looks like a little baby. I love that guy.

You really can't beat a few good staples in your wardrobe. I am dying to back into my regular clothes and get back to BUYING regular clothes.

Sara and Andrew said...

Marilee and Mom love the plus size department of Macy's. Lane Bryant is out and Macy's is in. Have fun!