Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Second HCG level!!!!!

It took a while to get my beta HCG results but here we go. My level should be above 1600, and my level was 2632!!!!!! I can't believe it. That makes that a doubling time of about 42 hours instead of the normal 48. I am well on my way to being a mommy and I couldn't be more thrilled. FYI-my levels are slightly high, so it could be twins....yikes!


Anonymous said...

Twins! ZZOhhhhhhhh. How cool

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, could you imagine twins? Two little ones running around! I am so excited for you! When is that first ultrasound again??

Mary Ellen

Gosfam said...

OOOOOO!!! I am so glad everything is going so well. I can't wait to hear once you get an ultrasound, hear the heartbeat or beats. Keep me posted.