Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 12

Well, I made it to twelve weeks and am so happy, I just can't contain it! The baby is the size(in length) of a plum and this is the last week of my first trimester! My NT scan got postponed until next Monday(our 7th wedding anniversary!), so next week I should have some baby pics. My blood type is O- and since I had an episode of bleeding a few weeks ago, I got my Rogam shot this week. No more weight loss, I have lost a total of 10 pounds, not a lot, but a it's a little perk from being sick. I haven't gained any either, just holding steady the last week and a half or so which is fine with me. I can tell my tummy is poking out a bit more, but no one else would think twice at this point. Maybe next month I will post a belly shot...we shall see. I am so over the first trimester as LOVELY as it was. On to bigger and better things. Still getting sick a couple times a week, hoping that it is gone soon. Peace out.


Gosfam said...

Yeah 12 week mark!! I can't wait to see prego pics. I hope you continue to feel better and eliminate the 2 days a week also. YEAH FOR YOU!!

Anonymous said...

Peace out, I love how relaxed and at ease you are that is so good for you and the baby. The end of the first Trimester is fantastic too. :) smiles

Kyle said...

My fingers hurt from being crossed so long...

Love you guys!