Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 22, 2009

Week 15

The baby is the size of an orange this week. Not too much too report. I saw my OB this week and the heartbeat was a perfect 155. My blood pressure was good. I have only gained 1 pound of the original 10 I lost. My goal is to gain no more than ten pounds from pre pregnancy weight, so that gives me 19 more pounds to work with. We shall see If I succeed. It was such a successful appointment that my Dr. said he doesn't need to see me until I'm 19 weeks. At that appointment we will hopefully find out the sex-YAY! I am still trying to deal with the nausea and vomiting. People who know me know I love food, so I miss enjoying mealtime. Now it is more of a hassle trying to figure out what I can tolerate. Oh well. I am enjoying watching my belly grow and I am letting myself begin to make plans for the new arrival. P.S. Naming this kid is proving difficult. Tom is more conservative with his choices, while I like something a little more different, not weird, just not ultra common.


Unknown said...

I'm thinkin' of something orange...something orange...give up? It's an orange.

Yeah week 15!

Anonymous said...

So does that mean no more updates for 4 weeks?? I can't make it. I need my Cindy fix :) Care to share the names on the table???
Take care Julie

Kyle said...

Names like Donna and Kyle for example? Not incredibly common, but not weird at all either.

(I guess maybe my exposure to white people is affected by living in El Monte, so I may be wrong here.)