Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Week 30

3/4 done! He is the size of a cabbage. Sorry I made you wait a day, but yesterday I was exhausted and I promise it's worth it because I have pictures. I had my doctors appointment today and they surprised me with some 3D images. It was a long ultrasound. Baby boy is measuring 3 pounds 5 ounces, right on target. Something the tech saw about his intestines made two doctors come and take a look themselves, but all ended well and there is nothing to be concerned about, he is looking perfect. I am ready for this kid, not much else going on. When I get back from my shower the end of October I will have to go to the doctor twice a week until delivery. Once to measure fluid and once to do a non stress test, I guess that's routine in a high risk office. It should keep me busy at least. 8-10 weeks left, I am hoping more like 8:)


Gosfam said...

Oh how sweet!! Gotta love technology. You have a package coming in the mail from me--watch for it :) It is being mailed to you from Heather Parsons she made some cute stuff for me, for you :) I hope you like them.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww look at him I want to squeeze his lil cheeks. So cute Cindy.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Yes,technology is grand!! The pictures are wonderful! I am so sorry I have to work the day of your shower, but will be sending a gift along with Grandma Barb!
Courtney is thrilled for you too!
Lots of love, Lael