Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Week 35 and getting ready for baby.

Baby boy is about the size of a honeydew melon this week. This was a busy week for us. We picked a pediatrician, installed our car seat, assembled our pack 'n' play, assembled both strollers(travel system and umbrella), had two doctors appointments, and we are going to our second birthing class tonight. A few weeks ago I washed all the clothes and hung them up. The only thing really left to do is pack a hospital bag and wait :) I thought it would be more crowded in our one bedroom apartment, but everything seems to have a place. Still I can't wait to put up the crib in February when we move to our two bedroom. For now we have a beautiful bassinet in the bedroom handed down from my cousin and the pack 'n' play for the living room. The doctor did my beta strep test today and checked for dilation. The baby definitely dropped last week, his head was very low, but my cervix is still high and closed, which is good. We don't want him coming too early :) About 3 more weeks of work and I am off the hook!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

You look great! Closit looks great! Daddys looks ready! I am so glad to hear you are all set and its almost baby Stanley time. Great job mommy


Gosfam said...

I seriously got teary looking at your beautiful picture. I am so so HAPPY for you!! You are so prepared that is so nice. Love the closet--looks so cute.