Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week 34

The baby is the size of a cantaloupe and boy howdy can I feel it. I am very short waisted, so he spends his time under my ribcage making it hard to sit and especially lean forward. I only have 4-6 weeks left!. Most likely no more than 5 though because my doctor told me today she would like to see me deliver by 40 weeks and not a day over. Although my blood pressure has been perfect throughout, keeping me pregnant past 39 weeks she feels would only be tempting fate with my history of high blood pressure. I had another perfect non stress test today. Tonight is our first birthing class. Next week is my beta strep test and first dilation check. It''s going to fly now! We feel so blessed with how well everything has gone so far and we can't wait to hold him in our arms.

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