Starting a little off the topic, look how freaking long my hair is getting! I have not had my hair this long since Kindergarten. I love it. Growing my hair takes the patience of a saint and the endurance of a marathon runner. It grows soooo slowly, but Tom is liking it long and so am I, so we'll see how far I get this time before I chop it off.
I took a road trip with me myself and I to see my Dad and Vikki. Tom was expecting a call back from Sears, so it was just me and the Scion on the open road. I left on Friday, it took me three hours just to get out of LA-I hate traffic! It was very surreal going bacck to the town I went to High School in(it's been 9 years). I even ran into my Biology teacher, who remembered my name-I was quite impressed. It was a very laid back weekend. The girls went shopping, cooked, and watched movies while my Dad worked on tileing the master bathroom. The highlight was my new 6 dollar shirt from Target-love it! I wanted to post a few pictures of the weekend, but we really didn't do anything exciting enough to warrent pictures, so here is one of me on the road on the way home.
I came home on monday night, luckily no traffic.The drive was great, long enough for some reflection and alone time, but not so long I was going bonkers. My friend Donna had a birthday on Monday, but we all met up for dinner on Tuesday. Note:Kyle looks so happy because he has everyones cash!
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