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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Gold stars for Dr. Rosen

Dr. Rosen
Dr. Cassidenti
Dr. Yee
Dr. Rosen did my IUI today. I really like all three doctors in my group, but today Dr. Rosen gets some gold stars from me. First of all before the IUI he did an ultrasound to make sure I ovulated. In the process he found my left ovary. No big deal right? WRONG! In the probably two dozen ultrasounds I have had throughout my treatments my left ovary seldom cooperates. It usually takes a good 2-3 minutes and lots of pressure(they are who-ha ultrasounds, not abdominal-yuck!). Not today however, he points right too it right away-gold star!
He then moved on to the right ovary where all the action is, he confirmed I did ovulate one egg, maybe two-he then states with a grin "I can't be sure, but if you get pregnant with twins, we'll know then." I love a doctor with a sense of humor-another gold star!

After the ultrasound, I walked into the treatment room for the IUI. Here is what he says "Mrs. Stanley we have a little problem". My heart sank thinking it was something awful. "We forgot to have your husband sign the consent before he went out of town. Normally I would not be able to proceed but if you promise he won't get mad at me, I will waive the consent."

We both chuckled. I have been going there for so long, everybody knows Tom and myself very well. I told him if I got pregnant the very last thing Tom would be was mad. So with the promise that I would send Tom in to sign the paperwork upon his return, he completed the IUI for me-gold star!

I really do feel lucky to have a great group of doctors. Dr. Cassidenti is my official doc, she has brought me through 2 surgeries and been there at the lowest moment in my life. Although realistic, she always is very hopeful about my case.
And I can't forget Dr. Yee. He has the best bedside manner of any doctor you are likely to meet. Never have I seen him without a smile. A few cool facts about Dr. Yee. He achieved the first ever pregnancy from a frozen embryo in 1982. He also uses is skills to save lowland gorillas from extinction through IVF.

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