Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hoping I'm my Grandmother's Granddaughter.

New Years-my Gran was a good sport!Not my project but similar

So my Grandma on my dad's side was a big time croche queen. It is how she spent most of her retirement hours. Every grandkid has a Granny blanket or two. By the time I was old enough and interested in wanting to learn, my Granny was already 90 and could not teach me. It was "too taxing to her brain" as she would say. Well last week I got the sudden motivation to learn one way or another. I went into Joannes, bought a beginner book, some yarn, and croche hooks. I was very pleased when after two days I have gotten the basic single croche stitch down. I still have yet to learn the fancy shell patterns or to follow a written pattern for that matter, but I am hoping it will come with time. I am hoping I am my Grandmother's grandaughter.


Marilee said...

I can hear that line. "it would be too taxing for my brain. Gota love Gran. And I love that picture.

Anonymous said...

Go Cindus! The fact that you want to makes you Granny's Granddaughter. It makes me glow all over to see you and Tom enjoying the simple things in life (I love our dishwasher to)Keep up the good life I love you, Dad.

Gosfam said...

That is so neat Cindy. My Grandma did crochet too. I have always wanted to knit or do something. I tried crosstitch for a while, but didn't last long :) Keep it up!!