Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

IVF schedule.

I had my appointment with the IVF coordinator, Cori today. I am officially on the calender for end of March retrieval/transfer. We are super excited and can't wait to see how many embryos I can come up with. I am counting the days and I can't wait to get started. It's about a six week process, so I will be starting meds the middle of February, only 5 weeks from now! I will keep everybody updated as I hit milestones. It is going to be the most thrilling and hardest thing we have ever done. Keep us in your prayers!


Gosfam said...

Oh Yeah!! I am so excited for you. I will be anticipating every step right along with you and keeping you in my prayers

Kyle said...

Fingers Crossed, Good vibrations, prayers, we'll send everything.