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Friday, January 23, 2009

Read the fine's not always bad :)

I am now happily enrolled in my 2009 benefits package. I received an overview of my medical insurance, go ahead and look, I circled the good parts. Fine print is not always bad! I had been told by HR a while ago that IVF is covered, but it brings a huge smile to my face to actually see it in fine print. After years of wishing there were just a way to try, it's hard to believe it's here.


Gosfam said...

YES!!!! It is so comforting to see it in print.

My crazy crazy life said...

I found your blog thru Rookie Cookie. I sat here for over an hour reading all of your archives. I have no idea why I just read a complete stranger's life but you seem pretty interesting...hahaha. Really, though, what caught my attention is that you keep mentioning Turner's Syndrome. My siste-in-law had a baby who passed away. She had Turner's Syndrome and died around 7 1/2 months in utero. This might be getting nosy but are you the one with Turner's Syndrome? I didn't know many lived and when I saw your blog, I was so excited. You have a great full life and my sis-in-law doesn't hold out alot of hope for a future daughter because of Turner's Syndrome. I would LOVE to tell her about you, if you are the one with the syndrome. Is this way too personal to ask a toatl stranger? You can email me if you like, if not...that's okay. Good luck with IVF!!!