Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


IVF a go! I find it ironic that our IVF journey starts with me having to be on birth control pills for a few weeks, which I start tomorrow! I think of all the birth control pills I took the first year we were married and it makes me laugh. Really, if I had known it would have saved me a lot of time, stress, and a little money. Anyhow! This is the first step in our IVF cycle, so I guess...yep, we are underway. Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Ok here we go I am so excited for you. What do the birth control pills do?
From Julie Franklin

Gosfam said...

Yeah Yeah!! Now you can be regulated and get everything REALLY moving. Can't wait to hear more, I love all the updates.
Miss ya girl!!