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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Week 5

I am now into week five and the baby is now the size of an apple seed ;) Things seem to be going well still. Being the CRAZY pregnant lady I am, I took another home test last week and it was immediately positive and dark, so I know my levels are going up. How much is the question. HCG levels are supposed to double every 48 hours, so if I was 111 last Tuesday when I go in tomorrow they should be around 1600. I am on pins and needles. I won't get the result until Thursday, again more waiting. Such is life. But I feel well, a little tiny bit of nausea/heartburn, nothing I can't handle. I am staying positive and I think that is part of our success so far. Love you all.


whitneyingram said...

So now that you are preggers, I guess you will now become subject to pregnancy advise.

Here is mine:
1. Prilosec is the best for heartburn. And it's okay to take during pregnancy.
2. Ginger ale works wonders for nausea.
3. Warm bath at the end of the day helps wind down your body.

Anonymous said...

Here's to 1600 HCG level I am sure it will be there for you. Luv tons Julie

MamaDonna said...

Nausea and heartburn mean the hormones are working and all is still going well. Yay! It was awesome to have to guys over on Sunday. Eek! Pregnant Cindy!