Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 8, 2009

Week 13

Not only is today our 7th wedding anniversary but I am also breathing a huge sigh of relief today. I have officially made it to my second trimester with everything looking well and healthy. This week the baby is the size in length of a peach. I had my first glucose tolerence test today and that was no fun-yuck. We had our NT scan today. I was amazed at the photo we got below, So much detail and he or she is so developed already. I am still battling nausea and vomiting but if that goes along with this beatiful baby, I'll take it. My next OB appointment is next week at 14 weeks. I should have the NT results then but I am not anticipating anything other than normal results. Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers and support.


Anonymous said...

Oh baby baby! Look at that beautiful baby!!!!! How exciting Cindy. Julie

Gosfam said...

I seriously got teary eyed!! I am so happy for you and now in the second trimester--YEAH!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Cindy, I am so happy for you! Keep me posted...Mary Ellen

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news and the picture is awesome! Love, Lael