Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 15, 2009

Week 14

Every week that passes is such huge deal to me. I can hardly believe I am one week into my second trimester. The baby is the size of a lemon now. I am posting my first belly pic today. I'm not getting a lot bigger, just changing shape. My tummy is becoming much rounder than it used to be. I passed my glucose tolerance test with flying colors and my NT scan was very normal which means no increased risk of downs syndrome. I see the doc tomorrow for my routine OB appointment, other than that thing have been great. Still having some nausea...blah blah blah...but it is definitely improving. We will find out the sex in 5 weeks! Ta ta for now.


Anonymous said...

The weeks just keep flying by and I love the belly picture:) Have a great week!

Gosfam said...

yeah for 14 weeks, glad things are going so well, and I love the pic. You are so cute!!