Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 6, 2009

Week 17

The baby is the size of an onion this week. I had a good week last week as far as nausea goes, I hope it's a trend. My belly is feeling much fuller these days and along with that comes slight aches and pains, but I actually love starting to feel pregnant. Two more weeks until the gender reveal! There is not much else going on. I haven't had any recent doctor appointments. I try to rest when I can and naps on my day off are my new best friend. Approaching the halfway point!!!


Gosfam said...

I am glad the nausea has let up a little. Can't wait to here what your little miracle will be--I really want a vacay to AZ!! When can you schedule me in :)

Kyle said...

No news is good news!

Mrs. Pierce said...

the halfway point is a big milestone! i'm glad you are starting to feel better. my pregnancy was so easy and enjoyable, and i loved it when i started showing!

Anonymous said...

The half way point Whooooo Hoooooooo. :)