Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The big day.

More good news! The nurse called this morning to say all seven embryos are growing and doing what they should. They gave them grades based on their quality. There are 3 A's(the best!) and 4 B's. No "bad" looking embryos!!! I will be on bed rest starting tomorrow after the transfer for three days, so I will not be able to update my blog :( But I can update my status on facebook from my phone, so that's something. I can't believe this day is here. I will post a picture of our little "embies" as soon as I can. We are soooo excited!


whitneyingram said...

High five for having awesome embryos!!!!!

Good luck!!!!

Kyle said...


Best of luck and good fortune and the Lord's blessings and wishful thinking and everything else I can pile on there.

God knows (everybody knows) you've got the Karma saved up. You guys are awesome.

Anonymous said...

I am sending love and prayers for your miracle baby. E-mail me when you are able to be up and around.