Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 23, 2009

We have eggs!

Nine eggs to be exact! We checked in at 6:45 this morning. I got dolled up in lovley surgical garb. I then got some very nice drugs and the next thing I remember is the nurse practitioner telling me they got nine eggs and going over discharge instructions. I was only there an hour and a half total. Tomorrow we get the fertilization report. I had a great experience and the discomfort has been minimal. Enjoy a few pics we documented from our BIG day! P.S. Blog is back to black, any other color annoys me after a while.
Getting ready!
Nice nurse took a picture.

Yay! 9 eggs~Recovering after.

That Versed is some good stuff.."What's the street name for this?"


whitneyingram said...

When I saw the e-mail titled "Retrieval Today", I gasped a little bit.

Glad all went well.

Gosfam said...

Oh YEAH!! I just am elated for you. I hope everything continues to go so smoothly. Miss you.