Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 25, 2009

Week 11

Not too much to report, a lot of the same. The baby is now the size of a lime. We decided to do the nuchal scan next Tuesday but we declined the blood screening and amnio. The blood test is too often inaccurate for my liking and an amnio is too invasive, so we just went with the scan that measures the thickness of the baby's neck. It is supposed indicate a possibility of downs syndrome if the neck measures thick. It is a standard test that almost all women are offered now and it is one more opportunity to see the baby, so I took it :) I am still getting sick but the days are getting fewer and farther between thank goodness. The second trimester is right around the corner!
P.S. I found this little gem of Tom with our niece Mary, isn't it the best!


Gosfam said...

Very cute pic of Tom, glad things are getting a little better and I hope all the morning sickness will stop as soon as you hit 2nd trimester :)

MamaDonna said...

Practice makes perfect! Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. Yay for week 11!

Anonymous said...

Size of a lime:) Growing growing so exciting:)Second trimester wow. Glad to hear your feeling better