So the big day came on December 9th, 7:34 PM and not at all like I had hoped, but we are all well and healthy and for that I am grateful. We had checked in on the 8th at 9 PM to be induced. I was in my room by 10:00 PM. After getting hooked up to monitors, the doctor placed the cervadil around 11:00. PM. I was pre warned some women go into labor with cervadil, but the majority do not and I was encouraged to sleep while I could. Well, that was not in the cards. By midnight I was in labor. It was tolerable like most early labor is, but enough discomfort to keep me awake all night. By 7 AM I was vomiting and wanting an epidural. I tried to hold out, but I was only dilated to a 2-3 and I knew I had a long way to go and the pain was going to get worse before it got better. So by 9 AM after two attempts, my epidural was placed and they broke my water. The epidural was heaven. The only problem was it wore off by 1 PM. Just as it was wearing off, I also started having an excruciating headache which after a visit from anaesthesia was determined to be a spinal headache from the epidural. The anaesthesiologist tried several times injecting more medicine in my epidural to get me some relief, but nothing worked and the pain from the spinal headache made it hard to stay on top of my contractions. All of this led to IV pain medication mostly to control the headache which made me drowsy but very much aware of the contractions. By 4:30 PM I was dilated to a 6 and although in a lot a pain, the progress I had made encouraged me to keep going. At 6:30 the doctor came back and checked me again. I was still a 6, and Connor's head was a minus one station still. He felt that his head was not going to descend and recommended a C-section I was in so much pain and was vomiting off and on that by that point it did not take much convincing, I was so done. From there it was fast and kind of hazy. Once in the OR it took a while to get me numb due to the crappy epidural. But I was able to watch the birth in the reflection of the OR lights. Connor came easily and screamed before they even pulled him out. I cried and Tom rushed over to see him. They brought him to me and let me kiss him and Tom held him, then it was off to nursery to get weighed and measured. He weighed in at 5 lbs 13 oz. and 17 3/4 inches, such a little peanut! I stayed an extra day in the hospital for a fever, but my recovery since has been remarkably fast. I was up and about the day after with minimal pain. It was definitely not the birth experience I had dreamed of and I am still kind of dealing with that. But once I look at my sweet boy who is so healthy it is hard to find much to be sad about. A little update from the last three weeks. Connor is now 6 lbs 13 ounces and thriving. He is a great sleeper and has a very sweet temperament. Below are pictures from the birth and the last one is from Christmas Day. He is our miracle boy and we are thrilled to have him!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Week 38
My last prego pose! We check in on Tuesday night for our induction. In the meantime I am doing everything I can to help nature along so I can possibly avoid being induced. I am already 1 centimeter dilated and 60 percent effaced, so that's better than nothing. Long walks, warm baths, etc. My emotions are a little out of control. I mean with my baby coming any day and Christmas music and commercials, forget it! I cry often and for no reason whatsoever. I am really enjoying pregnancy this last week, but I am ready. I can't wait to hold my little man in my arms. Tom is getting pumped too. He picked out Connor's first stocking today, and can't wait to put him in this Christmas onesie he found(skull in a Santa hat:) There will be no more posts for a little while probably. Once we get settled with our new family member, I will post pictures. My coworkers threw me an impromptu shower which was beyond generous. Those of you who haven't gotten thank yous yet, you are not forgotten, they ARE coming. I am a facebook junkie, so if you are not in my family phone call tree, you can keep up with when Connor arrives that way. This 6 year journey is coming to a close and we couldn't be more thrilled and grateful.
Journey to baby
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Week 36 and 37
Sorry for skipping a week. It has as you can imagine been busy here getting ready for the baby. Everything is set up and ready to go. Last minute tidying is the only chore left. The baby has graduated from a crenshaw melon in week 36 to a watermelon this week. My ultrasound last week measured Connor at 5 pounds 7 ounces, so he should be pushing six pounds this week. We completed our birthing classes and got to tour the rooms. Every appointment passes with Connor looking great. My appointment today was quite exciting. I have an induction date scheduled for the 8th of December. Only 2 weeks from today:) That being said we almost headed to the hospital last night. I had contractions for about 4 hours that got to be 5 minutes apart, just as I was considering heading in, they started getting further apart and then eventually went away. The Dr. today said that was a good sign this late in the game and that I could quite possibly have him before the eighth. They didn't check me today for dilation, they tend to be conservative with cervical checks due to increased infection risk. For a Dr.'s office, they do like to let things run their natural course as much as safely possible, which I like. Anyhow, I will post a belly shot next week, and it will probably be the last:(
Journey to baby
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Week 35 and getting ready for baby.
Baby boy is about the size of a honeydew melon this week. This was a busy week for us. We picked a pediatrician, installed our car seat, assembled our pack 'n' play, assembled both strollers(travel system and umbrella), had two doctors appointments, and we are going to our second birthing class tonight. A few weeks ago I washed all the clothes and hung them up. The only thing really left to do is pack a hospital bag and wait :) I thought it would be more crowded in our one bedroom apartment, but everything seems to have a place. Still I can't wait to put up the crib in February when we move to our two bedroom. For now we have a beautiful bassinet in the bedroom handed down from my cousin and the pack 'n' play for the living room. The doctor did my beta strep test today and checked for dilation. The baby definitely dropped last week, his head was very low, but my cervix is still high and closed, which is good. We don't want him coming too early :) About 3 more weeks of work and I am off the hook!
Journey to baby
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Week 34
The baby is the size of a cantaloupe and boy howdy can I feel it. I am very short waisted, so he spends his time under my ribcage making it hard to sit and especially lean forward. I only have 4-6 weeks left!. Most likely no more than 5 though because my doctor told me today she would like to see me deliver by 40 weeks and not a day over. Although my blood pressure has been perfect throughout, keeping me pregnant past 39 weeks she feels would only be tempting fate with my history of high blood pressure. I had another perfect non stress test today. Tonight is our first birthing class. Next week is my beta strep test and first dilation check. It''s going to fly now! We feel so blessed with how well everything has gone so far and we can't wait to hold him in our arms.
Journey to baby
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Week 32 and 33
Wowie, sorry for the delay in posting but It has been a busy few weeks. Last week the baby was this the size of a jicima and this week he is over 4 pounds and the size of a pineapple. Tom and I were in CA for a week and everyday was packed with activities. My shower was the 17th and thank you to my family for making it such a great day. My sister Becky threw it for me at her sister in law's house but it was truly a family effort that made it so nice and relaxing. Below are pictures from the day I never thought I would have :) My cake was awesome and so yummy, it was chocolate with bavarian cream/chocolate chip filling. We hit pay dirt and got lots of really nice and generous things. Thank yous will be arriving soon.
I had my doctors appointment today and the doctor was really impressed with how well everything looked. My urine was perfect(gross I know but I have had ketones in the past so I am always a bit nervous about that). My blood pressure was good. Today was my first non-stress test. The baby looked awesome. He was sleeping when I first got hooked up, but they woke him up with this little buzzer held to my belly and then he couldn't settle down. I almost felt sorry for the little guy. Anyway the tracing was perfect. The doctor actually sat down with me for about ten minutes while I was on the monitor and just kept saying how great the baby looked. I am now on twice a week monitoring, so I go back Friday. We started organizing the apartment today, but it will take a few weeks. Nesting has definitely kicked in and I am anxious to be all ready for his arrival. Any how, I will see ya next week, 5-7 weeks left!!!!
Journey to baby
Monday, October 12, 2009
Week 31
The baby is about the size of four navel oranges this week. A lot of the same. Tired, nauseous, but I love feeling him move and talking to him. I am starting to feel huge. My shower is Saturday and I can't wait to visit with my family and friends in person instead of the internet and phone. I am taking about 8 days off work and relaxing. I really need the break. Next weeks blog should contain baby shower pics!!
Journey to baby
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Week 30
3/4 done! He is the size of a cabbage. Sorry I made you wait a day, but yesterday I was exhausted and I promise it's worth it because I have pictures. I had my doctors appointment today and they surprised me with some 3D images. It was a long ultrasound. Baby boy is measuring 3 pounds 5 ounces, right on target. Something the tech saw about his intestines made two doctors come and take a look themselves, but all ended well and there is nothing to be concerned about, he is looking perfect. I am ready for this kid, not much else going on. When I get back from my shower the end of October I will have to go to the doctor twice a week until delivery. Once to measure fluid and once to do a non stress test, I guess that's routine in a high risk office. It should keep me busy at least. 8-10 weeks left, I am hoping more like 8:)
Journey to baby
Monday, September 28, 2009
Week 29
This week the baby is the size of a butternut squash. He should be approaching three pounds soon also. I saw the nurse practitioner last Tuesday. His heart rate was perfect and his movement has picked right back up. I guess he was having a couple of lazy days :) He is getting the hiccups quite often and I am up every 2 hours to pee. My next appointment is the 6th and I will have an ultrasound that day to check his size and to see if he is head down yet. I am looking forward to my shower in October(thank you Becky and family) and to catching up with all the family and friends I have missed sharing this time with. Know I love you all. I am still feeling blah. Even though I am just 7 months, I am ready for it to be over. Pregnancy has been an experience I always wanted and I will always remember, but I am so ready for the next chapter. I am a little nervous being responsible for a newborn, but everyone does it and I guess we will too. Tom has been very strong and confident. He has really stepped it up this pregnancy and been a major support. I am so grateful for him. Until next week.
Journey to baby
Monday, September 21, 2009
Week 28
7 months preggo and the third trimester is finally here! This week the baby is the size of a Chinese cabbage. Tomorrow is my next doctors appointment and should be a routine visit. In two weeks I get another ultrasound to check the baby's growth and position. I pick up a few little things every time I am out and now have enough diapering supplies for about a month. The baby has not been quite as active this week as previously and I am hoping it is just because he is getting bigger and running out of room:) I can't believe it... the countdown until D-day has started!
Journey to baby
Monday, September 14, 2009
Week 27
This week the baby is about the size of a head of cauliflower. My doctors appointment on Tuesday went great. I am still a few pounds below my pre pregnancy weight and the nurse practitioner was very pleased with that. I go every 2 weeks now. My glucose tolerance test was normal, so no gestational diabetes..yay! As difficult as it was for us to conceive, I am very pleased with what an un-eventful pregnancy it has been so far. This little boy's kicks have gotten stronger and he remains very active. Tom and I both were watching TV the other day and saw a commercial for Barbie and the Three Musketeers and we both said aloud at the same time.."thank goodness we are having a boy". It was pretty funny. I recently watched a documentary "The Business of Being Born". If you haven't seen it, it is quite eye opening. I know all documentaries have somewhat of an agenda, but being a nurse I know a lot of what is in that movie to be true. I know I cant have a completely natural birth because of my high risk category, but it has motivated me to try to keep interventions to a minimum if possible. Mostly avoiding pitocin is my goal. I would love my labor to progress naturally. I am going to attempt no epidural, but the world is paved with good intentions and if I can't do it, I can't do it. Next week I hit my third trimester and then the countdown begins :)
Journey to baby
Monday, September 7, 2009
Week 26
I am nearing the end of my second trimester and the baby is the size of an English hothouse cucumber(OK whatever). I am just starting to get a bit uncomfortable, especially at the end of the day after being on my feet. This little boy is still moving around a ton and I still love it! I have my last second trimester appointment tomorrow. We have talked about the birth more and there are a few people we would love to have there, but when you do that, it opens a can of worms. So we have decided to have it just be Tom and myself. This has been such a long painful journey for us and now it is over. I really am excited about the two of us being able to relish the moment together alone. Afterwards, come one come all. Arizona is beautiful in December:)
Journey to baby
Monday, August 31, 2009
Week 25
I am 25 weeks today, only three more weeks until I hit my third trimester! The baby is roughly the size of medium eggplant. He weighs between 1.5-2 pounds. He is still a very active little guy, but tends to settle down when I want to go to bed like a good boy and opposite from what I have been told by other moms. Most say their babies are quiet until they want to rest. I still am dealing with nausea and I think it's just going to be that way until he is born. I have only gained about 4 pounds back and still haven't reached my pre-pregnancy weight which is a good thing. My next OB appointment is next Tuesday. Another glucose tolerance test-yum:( . I have 15 weeks to go and only 3 months until I am considered full term. We can't wait to meet him.
Journey to baby
Monday, August 24, 2009
Week 24
VIABILITY! That's the big milestone this week. The baby is the length of an ear of corn and about 1.3 pounds. If this little one decided to make an entrance today, which I am grateful he hasn't, he might be able to survive outside the womb. Not to sound morbid, but it is a very comforting thought that if something were to happen he has a chance. Nothing really else to report. Work is getting harder and I can't seem to get much else done on my days off except rest up for the next workday. Time will fly. I have already scheduled my week off for my shower. After that I am back at work for a month and a half and then hello maternity leave!!! This little boy is so active and always squirming. Tom felt the baby move this last week. We both laughed, it was such a surreal moment. Until next week :)
Journey to baby
Monday, August 17, 2009
Week 23
Baby boy Stanley is over a pound now and the length of a papaya. Can I just say I love the second trimester so far. I still deal with nausea(controlled with my Zofran) and I have a picky appetite, but everything else is fabulous. I love watching my belly grow. I love feeling him move around in there. What I love most is that in 4 months I will be holding him in my arms. I saw my belly wiggle with a kick for the first time this week. I am registering for our birthing classes next week. I can not believe how fast the time is going. I still am in awe that I am actually pregnant. Like I am really incubating a little human. It is such an incredible feeling after so many years of disappointment. Tom and I did a little baby shopping at the mall last week and I totally started crying. It was a moment I had always imagined and I couldn't believe be were at that point. Tom was just happy. He is really getting into having a boy. My house will be full of Transformers and GI Joes I am sure. I go to the doc tomorrow for my 6 month check up. I think appointments will then increase to every 2-3 weeks. In 7th heaven.
Journey to baby
Monday, August 10, 2009
Week 22
I am officially in my sixth month! Baby boy is almost a foot long, about the size of a spaghetti squash. Things have been going fairly well. As long as I have my Zofran, I can eat pretty well. My biggest problem has been getting enough fluids down. My doctor has sent me a few times over the last couple of months for IV fluids due to ketones in my urine. When I am at work I can't keep water out due it being a treatment area(OSHA guidelines). If I need to drink water I need to leave the floor, and we all know how often nurses get to take breaks. All of this plus the nausea I have been dealing with leads to me getting dehydrated at times. But I try to chug as much water as I can when I can and on my days off. Despite this baby boy Stanley is doing very well. He is moving a ton and started bouncing on my bladder this week, but I love it love it love it. I can not believe how the time is flying. We brought back the crib and bassinet from California we had been handed down that was in storage. It still amazes me we are going to get to use them :) My incredible in-laws got us our car seat and stroller travel system, the picture is below. That is about all for this week. I can not wait for this little boy!
Journey to baby
Monday, August 3, 2009
Week 21
The baby is the length of a carrot this week and nearly a pound now. I have been feeling a ton of movement which I can't even begin to describe the joy that brings me. Still no weight gain, in my case that is OK because the baby measured right on target at the ultrasound. I actually might stay within my 10 pound recommendation, which is great. I have been told I need to register for my birthing classes soon because they fill up....things are moving way too fast! I am feeling much better, still some nausea, but no puking..yay! See you with next weeks update.
Journey to baby
Monday, July 27, 2009
Week 20
The baby is the size of a cantaloupe this week. I am halfway through this thing and I am EXCITED! I felt the baby move this last week which was a moment I have been waiting for for what feels like forever, it was awesome. He gets really bouncy after I eat and feels like a goldfish flopping around. My nausea has been tolerable and I am now beginning to believe I may like being pregnant after all :) We have about three names picked out and we decided we won't decide until we see him. I am still in awe everyday that I have been given this miracle boy...we love him to pieces already.
Journey to baby
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
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